Nourish your body’s fullest vitality and potential to heal with a customized acupuncture session to help you relax and your body to respod with it's inate healing abilities.
Acupuncture can be helpful for: back pain, insomnia, fertility, digestive issues, painful menstruation, balancing emotions, anxiety, stress, and chronic issues to name a few.
Sonja Alina Denelzen R.Ac is a licensed Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist.
Sonja takes clients through a holistic approach of looking at lifestyle, perspectives, guiding your body towards it's innate wisdom of healing, including spirit and mind to help clients reach optimized, balanced well being and get to the root of chronic issues.
If your insurance covers acupuncture then it is covered here.
Acupuncture uses very tiny needles place a specific energetic points in the body that communicate with the body where energy (qi) needs balancing.
Using acupuncture, TCM complimentary modalities such as cupping, moxa, nutrition guidance with the understanding that food is medicine and lifestyle guidance to help you feel empowered to be aligned with your health goals.
Acupuncture has been practiced in Asia for over 2,000 years and is an integral part of Eastern medicine, in China the Western Doctors and Chinese Medicine doctors work side by side in the hospitals. In the West, it is not only a powerful healing modality, it is also a natural holistic complement to other therapies, such as chiropractic, oestopathy, physiotherapy, naturopathy, and massage therapy.
Acupuncture can be beneficial in a wide range of conditions – from specific injuries to chronic symptoms of poor health as well as a wonderful modality for maintenance.
High blood pressure
Anxiety, frustration and emotional overload
Headaches, migraines
Muscle spasms and cramps
Painful periods & PMS
Digestive issues
Skin conditions
Reduce cold symptoms, manage asthma & allergies
Manage chronic and complex health conditions
Great for maintenance and prevention
Support for your optimal wellness and health goals
Flexibility of muscles and joints
Energy level
Restful sleep
Mental function and clarity
Opening of sinus passages
Immune and Digestive system functions
Cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system functions
Acupuncture, based on Chinese Medicine diagnosis, looks at each person as a unique whole being, body and spirit, who presents with unique environmental, congenital and emotional influences .
Acupuncture stimulates the Qi (energy) of the meridian system with tiny needles at specific acupuncture points on the body (there are over 500 acupuncture points on the surface which flow Qi to tissues and deeper organ structures), this reminds to body to harmonize or re~balance flow states which are out of harmony.
For short term issues results can be potentially be noticed in a handful of treatments, while chronic conditions will likely require much longer series of treatments followed by a move into maintenance to ensure you are staying in your optimal state after that initial state of change and relief has taken place.
During the initial intake a detailed consultation , 20- 40 min, on current health, main concern, where you would like to be, how all the systems are operating, and where you are at body, mind and spirit. Medical and health history, followed by a tongue and pulse diagnosis to help diagnose the root cause.
Following that there will be a 20 - 30 min acupuncture treatment followed by any nutrition, mindset and lifestyle suggestions to give you some tools to participate in your journey to wellness.
Additional modalities like cupping, moxibustion, gua sha, tui na, and shiatsu may be employed if deemed therapeutic. Sonja is here to be a compassionate guide on your journey
For a youthful glow from the inside out, experience a blend of traditional facial acupuncture techniques with gua sha and facial massage for a holistic approach to skin health.
Personalized dietary solutions that harmoniously balance your unique constitution, fostering healing, prevention and holistic health.
As add ons to acupuncture or on their own, these ancient techniques to release tension, stimulate healing, and enhance your body's natural vitality.
Combo Treatments
193 Maple Heights Drive, Gravenhurst, ON, P1P 1R1, Canada
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