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Frequency Codes: Equinox = (Divine masculine + Divine Feminine) (Uranus Squares Venus + Uranus Squares Mars)

March 20, 20225 min read

Frequency Codes: Equinox = (Divine masculine + Divine Feminine) (Uranus Squares Venus + Uranus Squares Mars)

Frequency Codes: Equinox = (Divine masculine + Divine Feminine) (Uranus Squares Venus + Uranus Squares Mars)

I have been experiencing such an interesting portal in and around this Equinox. Some celestial math equations lighting it up. Equinox is the midpoint between supreme Yin (winter solstice) and supreme Yang ( summer solstice), so the balance point between the masculine and the feminine.

This past year I have been working on anchoring in frequency codes of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. Meaning that after receiving the initial code, I have been working with it’s energy frequency regularly, in various ways, in order to anchor it into my field as something familiar that I can draw upon. With the Divine Feminine I have been exploring embodied movement, dance, nurturing, having daily practices such as meditation, tarot, Iching and ceremony that allow me the space to tap into the unknown, as well as working with more mystical practices, working with vibration and sound, receptivity, flow and creativity. With the divine masculine, it initially started with a session I took with someone who had me connect with the Divine Feminine through the energy of being unconditionally nurtured, free, and to experience the unconditional compassion of the Goddess, to feel that frequency in my body.

When it came to the Divine Masculine, it took some work to get through the blocks of the Divine Masculine due to mistrust of men to be

When it came to the Divine Masculine, it took some work to get through the blocks of the Divine Masculine due to mistrust of men to be emotionally present, the distrust of the Divine Masculine because of how it is presented through patriarchal dominate cultural religion as a judgemental, domineering, repressive figure. Once we cleared that block and I took the time to suspend belief and believe that there is a Divine Masculine who is supreme compassion, unconditional love and respect, that values, respects and uses strength to protect and hold space for the feminine, like a loyal strength, space holder, actualizer by the side of the Divine Feminine, I was able to relax and let this frequency code in. So over time, I continue to take time in meditation to connect with the frequencies, when I notice I feel like I need a bit of support, I connect with those frequencies so that they become stronger and more present in my field. I also feel that men and women need to anchor in both these codes in order for us to respond to them within each other. For example by me anchoring in the masculine frequency code, I make this code available to men to respond to, it creates a radio station for them to tune into, that those on the path to evolve to their higher selves will find resonance with. So instead of trauma bonding, we can work on high vibe bonding. For myself having the code available, keeps me aligned with the type of energy I want to attract, it also offers and internal balance for myself. For example I have been receiving and drawing in from the ethers an offering that combines all my work, this stage is very much the divine feminine, working on creating from the unknown to the known. This was reaching its peak during the Venus square Uranus. I was praying for guidance on how to bring this vast and diverse knowledge/ wisdom/ into a linear form, that would be beneficial and clear for those who would be the participants in the offering. So I recognized that I would benefit from calling on the linear, organized, action energy of the Divine Masculine to support the feminine creative into form process. To bring this energy into presence, I started by stating my intention, gave myself a series of Du Mai Extraordinary Meridian Stone Medicine treatments, that are all about bringing balance to the masculine, bring in the yin energy, clarity, self esteem and ability to focus, hold a vision and create containers.

With stones that support clarity, self worth etc and finishing with solar 7th tuning forks on the heart to create a radiant warmth and confidence.

After calling in the Divine Masculine to support the feminine, I was able to work out a form and container for the feminine to continue the creative process in co operation with the masculine to begin to birth this project into one that will bring this beautiful healing offering to those who feel called.  For me it was a potent alignment that this union

After calling in the Divine Masculine to support the feminine, I was able to work out a form and container for the feminine to continue the creative process in co operation with the masculine to begin to birth this project into one that will bring this beautiful healing offering to those who feel called. For me it was a potent alignment that this union, and understanding how to optimize this union as a correlative one, happened on Spring Equinox, a time at equidistance between yin and yang, and spring when the seeds of intention become sprouts and have the yang force energy of life to surge forward. This union is one that we must find within ourselves in order to evolve consciously in our humanity, in order to match the frequency of the earth as she is changing in these times or we will be left behind as a species. This is what is meant by union, the ability to be living alchemy of the wisdom that is available in the ethers, in the air, the rocks, the trees, in our DNA, it is there for us in the form of frequencies, we simply need to tune into them or to be open to something unlocking us to be available to tune into them. So as we come into deeper union with ourselves, we are able to come into deeper and more authentic union with others and the world around us. To do this we must be in the field of love, which is expansive and open, to be available to receive the frequencies.

Thank you for taking the time to read, and please let me know if you have any comments or curiosities.

We get more into this in Alchemy of Emotions during some of the elemental seasons.

Blessings of Peace + Love,



Sonja Denelzen R.Ac

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