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Holiday Wellness Gifting ~ Experiences for you loved ones.

December 01, 20193 min read

Holiday Wellness Gifting

My sister lives in Nelson, B.c. with her family, and for her birthday this year, knowing she has been an overwhelmed mom with two wee ones at home, instead of sending her a birthday gift of something she might like, I called her up and asked if there was something just for her that she would love to have, do or experience. I asked her this because she had been mentioning that she felt completely lost from herself in all the chaos of family life and small children. With a quick response, she said she had always wanted to try pottery. I looked up some studios near her home and found a great studio who would accommodate me in passing a gift certificate to my sister towards some classes. She started her classes recently and was super happy about the catalyst to engage in something creative for herself once in awhile.

Tell me

More and more we are yearning for experiences, for moments of connection, expression, of self-care, of transformation and wonder. So I thought I would put together some offerings we have, as well as some that others have that feel supportive and nurturing.

An acupuncture or shiatsu treatment or book of 5 treatments. Email us to order a gift certificate. This is for the loved one that would benefit from a little holistic wellness support on their journey to optimize their health.

  1. A sound journey for a group or as a personal treatment. Offering a deep state of relaxation and wonder.

  2. A group retreat. An opportunity to gather with a group while participating in nurturing acitivites and create soulful connections. Meet new friends, do yoga, qi gong or playing with plants to create colour.

  3. A personal wellness retreat for someone who is going through transformations in their life and would like a little support in shifting into new habits of yoga, mediation and healthy eating accompanied by treatments, or simply need some time to be away from day to day business to catch up on caring for themselves. Also great for those that are always taking care of everyone else.

  4. A book of 10 Facial acupuncture appointments ~ for someone looking to refresh their face without surgery or botox.

  5. DJ classes for the loved one that loves music and wants to dive deeper into the world of turn tables. Or do you have a dj or musician in your life that would like to take their talent to a new level of performance and production? How about some mentoring? SlowPitch sound , an artist who has created and participated in a wide variety of performances works with artist on developing their live performance and more.

  6. A January ritual I love is doing The Desire Maps by Danielle Laporte. ~ The perfect tool for someone who loves to vision board and journal, it helps them map out the feelings they want to cultivate in their life. It’s like taking an inventory of what feelings you want to be experiencing in your life and helps you hone in on those Desired Feelings by being able to make descions on if doing this or that will benefit the life you are looking to create. Her book and exercises are inspiring and make for a great activity of reflection and refining and clarity for the coming year.

  7. What activities does your loved one love or wish to engage in? Have you asked them? Maybe there is a course they would love to take or an experience they would love to have? Arrowmount school of Arts & Crafts has a arts & crafts course for every interest and is a great way to sink into a passion or catalyze a new one.

  8. Someone who loves plants how about a foraging or plant internship with Wild Muskoka.

    Do what you love

gifts, wellness giftsgiftsseasonal giftswellness gifts

Sonja Denelzen R.Ac

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